How It All Fits Together


How, does Geology, relate, to Astronomy; or, to Physics, and Cosmology? How does Paleontology, relate to Nuclear Physics. How do – any of these – relate to Biology, Sociology – and even, Psychology?!
   ‘Specialization’, in the sciences, is an absolute necessity.
We need people who can, ‘specialize’, in only one or two areas at a time, thereby, getting the most out of their selected branches of study.
    On the other hand, some areas of the sciences are intrinsically, connected, in a ways we call ‘inter-disciplinary‘, and/or, ‘multi-disciplinary‘. (There are subtle distinctions between the two – but they go together, like, chocolate and peanut butter!)
   Taking a cue from Isaac Asimov – it is the Science Writer, who can afford to ‘generalize’, and, therefore, intuitively, comprehend the ‘inter-connectedness’ of any of these ‘specialities’.
   The Science Writer (often, somewhat specialized, themselves), has the rather unique perspective of being at, least, versed, in multiple areas of science at a time, especially, those areas that are multi-disciplinary, by nature (e.g., say, astrophysics and particle/nuclear physics. Stephen Jay Gould and Isaac Asimov are two, good, examples.
   But, the lay-person can also grasp the commonalities inherent between specialized areas, if they make the attempt. It does take time, and effort, however. But – eventually, the ‘Aha!’ moment, comes, after all!
   It is these ‘commonalities’ that have led to such, claims, as, proofs of Evolution, or of the ‘Big Bang‘ (‘Great Expansion‘), event.
   It was Particle Physics, in the sense of ‘carbon-dating’, which led to the realization of the true nature, and ages, of ‘fossils’, which, relates, naturally to the branch of Geology, called, ‘Stratigraphy‘.
   It was a branch of Astronomy, called, ‘Radio Astronomy‘, along, with two branches of physics, called, ‘Electrodynamics‘, and ‘Electromagnetics‘, which led to the discovery of the ‘Cosmic Microwave Background‘; abbreviately*, known, as the ‘CMB‘.


   The CMB, is the fossil radiation remnant of the Big Bang event, itself. It is Particle Physics and Chemistry which explain the interactions of subatomic particles during the earliest stages of the Big Bang, which describes the processes in the formation of all of the  elements of the Periodic Table Of the Elements, thereafter.
   It is Nuclear Physics, that describes the forces at work behind the creation of stars (‘stellar masses’), and of the metals (all of the elements, beyond, hydrogen and helium), that are forged, during, their explosive, end-of-life, stages (processes).
   And of course, all of this – in our, anthropomorphic perspective, relates, to ‘Us‘, and, to, how we process this knowledge.
   Now, It could be argued, by some, that current descriptions of the world and the universe are, ‘slanted‘, toward, supporting Science, and, toward negating Religion.
   That may, have, been true – if it weren’t for the fact that the data, presented, now, was compiled, very, slowly, over, hundreds of years of scientific investigation, by many, many, people. In fact, much, seemingly insignificant data were recorded by those, like, Tycho Brahe, who, compulsively, recorded the motions and positions of stars, over, twenty years, time. At the time, though, no one had any idea how important those recordings would eventually become! There wasn’t any real use for his notes – until, William Herschel, and his sister, Caroline, came along!   
   Many of the outcomes, in scientific investigation, arose, serendipitously, or, by accident, as you can read, for yourself, from the historical records that exist at such places, as, the American Chemical Society, back-issues, of the science journals, “Nature” (Great Britain), the journal, “Science” (American), the Astrophysical Journal, the Astronomical Journal, the Johns Hopkins Library, the Science History Institute, the Max Plank Institute, the Smithsonian Institute, and many others. This is, “open-access”, history. Learning the history behind any given field will give you an understanding of how that field works, as well, as, the perceptions, mis-interpretations, limitations, etc., of society, along, the way.

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